Port Saint Lucie Rodent Exterminator

Call me: 772-617-6515

Welcome! Port Saint Lucie Rodent Exterminator is a full-service rodent control company specializing in the permanent removal of mice and rats in Port Saint Lucie, FL. Whether you have a problem with mice in your attic, rats in your walls, or rodents scratching in your house, we can solve it! The key to PERMANENT rodent control lies in our inspection and preventative work - we seal the rats and mice out of your house forever, and we trap and remove them. We do not use poison! We answer our phone 24/7, and can schedule a same-day or next day appointment. Some of the services we offer include:

  • 100% Permanent Rodent Eradication
  • House, Roof, and Attic Inspections
  • Preventative Rodent Exclusion Repairs
  • Rodent Droppings Cleanup in Attic
  • Outdoor Rodent Population Abatement
  • Poison-free Rat and Mouse Extermination
  • Porch, Deck, or Shed Exclusion Barriers
  • Dead Rodent Removal - Walls or Attic

CALL US ANY TIME AT 772-617-6515

rodent trapping Port Saint Lucie's Best Rodent Removal: We are a team of professional technicians. Each of our operators has over five years of experience in the field. It's this experience that gives us an edge over our competitors, as we're knowledgeable in many different areas. It allows us to service apartments and homes alike, and to remove any wild animal you're dealing with. That said, our company is best known for its rat removal services. Our clients are consistently satisfied by our work, as evident by the stellar reviews they've left online. We constantly find older clients calling us again to remove a new problem or to ask whether we can help their friends and families. To best help our busy customers, we offer our services 24/7. This means we are ready to help you during work days, weekends, and at night. We equip our specialists with only the best tools on the market. Our experienced technicians combine these with the skills and techniques that they've picked up over the years to do the job quickly and effectively. We offer a suite of extra services alongside rat and wildlife removal. These include sanitization, repair, insulation replacement, and others. We offer these to give our clients the exact service they're looking for. Give us a call if you ever find a rodent or other wildlife in your home. Our team is always ready to discuss the problem and give you a quote for our services!

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Port Saint Lucie pest control

We Florida's top experts in rodent control. We are not a typical Port Saint Lucie rat removal or pest control company. We don't treat rats or mice like insects, because they are not - they are mammals! You can't just use poison to get rid of them, like you can with insects. Unlike most Port Saint Lucie pest control, we focus on complete and permanent solutions. We don't just use poison every month. We solve your rodent problem forever, by following these steps:

  • Inspect the entire house, ground to roof, and the attic
  • Seal shut all entry areas, no matter how small, with steel
  • Set a dozen or more rat or mouse traps in the house and attic
  • Remove all rodents as they are caught and monitor for activity
  • Once there is no more activity and no more caught, we're done
  • When necessary, we clean rodent droppings, replace insulation, and repair chewed electric wires

Port Saint Lucie Rodent Removal Tip:

The reasons why so many rats live in big cities
Rats have lived close to humans for many centuries. The population of the tiny sneaky critters has increased over time in all kinds of human environments, ranging from offices to shops. Rats are highly destructive pests that cause humans a lot of trouble. They are also known as filthy critters that brings dirt and diseases to the areas they infest. 

While humans have been able to effectively control the population of different wildlife pests, they still struggle with rats. The population of rats, especially in big cities, is alarming. The large population of the critters has even caused cities to start special eradication programs aimed at the critters. Many of the programs have failed to keep the population of the critters in check. In 2014, it was estimated that there were about two million rats in The Big Apple. 

In this article, we consider the reason behind the large population of rats in big cities. 

Firstly, rats live close to humans because they get all the support they require from humans. Humans have grudgingly been the hosts of the critters for centuries. The population of humans in cities is large. Since rats need humans for their food, water, and shelter, they will naturally move in the direction of humans. As more humans moved to cities, rats followed the trend. Rats are so numerous in cities because of the large human population in the cities. 

Rats can eat basically anything. They are opportunistic omnivores and will eat anything that comes their way, including clothing materials. Cities hold an abundance of possible food sources for the critters. This is why they are found there in large numbers. City dwellers eat a lot of fast food and leave leftovers. These leftovers make an important part of the diet of rats. Rats can easily find food to eat in cities and will rather live there than in the smaller towns and the wild. 

rodent trapping The waste disposal problem of big cities is directly linked to the rat population problem. Because cities lack efficient waste disposal systems, rats always have to eat and will always be in cities. Efforts to reduce the population of rats in cities tend to focus on waste disposal. If the critters do not find food, they will willingly leave big cities.

Apart from food, rats have multiple shelter options in cities. They can occupy sewer systems. They can also infest homes, offices, and commercial structures and nest in hidden areas. The critters require little space and can infest properties through holes as tiny as a coin. They also have impressive techniques and methods for evading capture.

Rats have a high reproduction rate. The critters can birth a dozen litters in a few weeks. This contributes to their large population in cities. One rat can infest an area, find suitable nesting support, and begin to reproduce. The offspring will occupy new areas and reproduce too. In no time, one rat can become hundreds of rats. 

Poisoning is the go-to method of getting rid of rats in big cities. The critters understand this and have adopted measures to survive poisoning. Rats are picky eaters. The smart critters will only nibble at a new source of food and will never fully eat it until they are sure that it is not poisonous. 

Cities provide ample sources of food, shelter, and water for rats. The critters understand that cities are their haven and have adopted measures to survive and become permanent residents. This is why there is a serious rat problem in cities. Cities with a serious rat problem have to understand their appeal to the critters and reverse it to kick them out. Only a comprehensive multifaceted approach can get rats out of cities. 

We service nearby towns such as Fort Pierce, Lakewood Park, White City, Indian River Estates, River Park, Fort Pierce North, Fort Pierce South.